What Makes You Come Alive?!

I was recently asked, “why are you so passionate about aging & dementia care⁉️”
I know deep down that the answer is much bigger than some degrees and credentials.
..And I don’t believe I just landed here in the field of Gerontology (#aging) by mistake.
For me, I know I was led here. It is my calling. It’s what makes me come alive✨
Years ago when I was in undergrad choosing my major in #Gerontology, I had tons of people ask, “Why? You’re so young! Why would you want to work with old people?!”
The harmful comments drove an even deeper passion in me to study the biology of aging, while also learning about the social psychology & aspects of aging.
My mind was blown, as I learned about #AGEISM and how society has (frankly) no clue about aging & it’s beauty.
So, I’m writing this short post to encourage the younger generations who, like me, have a passion to work in the field of aging, even when it feels a bit “unpopular.”
A few tidbits:
✅Know your passion & be unapologetic about it
✅Find mentors in the field of aging that can support you along the way
✅Identify a special niche that you’re naturally drawn to [for me, it’s #dementia care]
✅Begin researching careers in aging. You’ll be amazed at all of the opportunities
✅Find ways in your everyday life to support elders and #DISRUPTAGEISM
Oh, & if someone asks you why you’d want to work with old people, simply let them know: “Because we’re all aging! Every moment of our lives. With each breath we take. And If you’re not aging, then your dead!” ✊🏾
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