5 Ways to Engage Your Brain!

Knowledge. Resilience. Empowerment.

5 Ways to Engage Your Brain!

Your mind and body are connected (they reside in the same temple for pete’s sake!)

Research shows just how important it is to align your brain with your body in order to have higher cognitive functioning.

This month, the Alzheimer’s Association is focusing on Healthy Brain Functioning with the Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month “ABAM” initiative.

I’m joining the cause and sharing below just a few ways you can remember to engage your brain and preserve healthy brain cells:

1. What’s Good for Your Heart is Good for Your Brain-

A heart healthy diet and physical activity helps with brain power! An active body and mind can help avoid diseases such as hypertension, stroke, and heart disease which have linkages to brain health (American Heart Association).

2. Stay Engaged Socially-

You know how that phone call with your best friend can sometimes make a world of a difference and by the end of the call your feel “lighter?” That’s staying socially engaged and helping to increase positive endorphins. Social isolation and lack of interest in normal activities can have a great impact on your brain health.

3. Protect Your Mental health-

Gone are the days when we shame people and ourselves for seeking mental health support and talking with a therapist. It is a good brain health practice to ensure your emotional and mental functioning is managed and monitored. Symptoms of depression and anxiety can lead to higher incidences of cognitive decline.

4. Take Your Rest-

In our society, we are often measured & valued by how much we DO. We live by the famous motto “you can sleep when you’re dead.” Well, have you ever considered that the lack of sleep and rest can actually lead you to an earlier grave? You cannot be productive and mentally high functioning, if your brain and body do not get adequate rest. We are not machines! Time to take your rest, friends.

5. Challenge your brain

Ever want to learn a new language? Take up a new hobby? Create a fun bucket list? These are great ways to promote healthy brain functioning. Changing your daily routine, learning a new task, or simply reading a new book can make a difference!

These few tips can go a long way!

The National Institute on Aging (NIA’s) “What is Brain Health” national campaign, also aims to raise awareness about brain health while empowering older adults to make the most of their brains as they age. Check out the link above for Brainy resources!

Is it just me, or does it seem like everyone is in support of Brain Health?!

So, tell me, what are YOU doing to support your own healthy brain functioning?

Share your Brain Healthy messages below!

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