4 Ways to Support Working Caregivers

How many of you are working caregivers? *raise your hands*
Now, how many of you have contemplated OR made the tough decision to stop working, or retire early due to caregiving?
It is all too common.
When the caregiving demands are so extreme, caregivers are often left with minimal options. Leaving the workforce may be the only solution.
Especially for the 24% of the 41.8 million caregivers who are caring for TWO loved ones (@AARP).
Currently, 1 out of every 6 employees is actually a part of this number!
The reality is, caregiving is demanding and it can be tough balancing work demands along with caregiving needs, and family responsibilities.
If employees are not supported within their work environment, chances are they will be silently invited to leave.
Wouldn’t it be cool if we had businesses and organizations that truly recognize and support employee caregivers?
AARP calls it a “Caregiver-Friendly Workplace.” Below are 4 ways to implement this innovative idea and support employee caregivers:
- Start with Creating a Culture of Awareness
- Build Workplace Policies, Benefits and Programs
- Get Buy-in from Leadership (C-Suite)
- Assess Challenges of Implementing New Caregiving Benefits – and Potential Solutions
I love the first step: “Start with Creating a Culture of Awareness.” This initial action item is critical.
This step involves actually hearing the voices of employee caregivers and listening to their lived experiences.
It takes an intentional ear to understand the experiences of these caregivers and recognize the need for support.
Organizations can also learn about how caregivers view themselves.
AARP states, “Employee caregivers won’t always seek out caregiving-related support at work even if they are struggling because many don’t self-identify as caregivers; they see themselves as just helping out.”
By raising awareness within the workplace, employee caregivers can begin to recognize their roles as a caregiver and self-identify.
The key is to NOT STOP THERE!
Once an organization raises awareness and recognition, the real work begins.
Being strategic and developing intentional Caregiver Benefits, Plans, and Programs will be valuable. And of course, employee caregivers can assist in this development.
Wouldn’t that be nice!?
And if you are a caregiver in the workplace, there’s a few steps that YOU can also take:
- Recognize your caregiving role & self-identify within the workplace
- Speak with your direct support & supervisor about your specific caregiving needs
- Inquire about current benefits and programs available to support you
- Develop clear work-life boundaries that keep you grounded
Family caregiving affects all of us! If you have not been a caregiver yet, you probably will be. A Caregiving-Friendly workplace can benefit all of us. We are in this together.